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Embarcadero Technology Partner

    An advanced NT Service Application  

This example shows some additional features of SvCom components. First of all it illustrates several simple rules that should be kept to implement more complicated service behavior. The interacting with a user using simple message boxes is examined too. Another important aim of this example is to show usage of service debugging module and an extended debugging API.

This example consists of the following steps:

  1. Creation of new SvCom service application. This step it is exactly the same as the step 1 of "Simple NT Service" example. Save your project as SvComExample2.dpr
  2. Adding new service module. This step is the same as the step 2 of "Simple NT Service" example. Set the name of service to 'SampleService2' and display name to 'SvCom Example N 2'.
  3. Adding OnStart, OnStop, OnPause and OnContinue event handlers.
  4. Implementation of OnExecute event handler.
  5. Debugging a service and usage of advanced debugging API
  6. Dual mode usage: run a service application as a regular one

Use links below to download source code of this example as well as example's binary. Please note that corresponding version of Delphi or Builder should be installed to run this example.
<< . index . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . >>
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© 2003-2016. ALDYN Software
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