- SvCom 8.6

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi 10.3 Rio support added
- SvCom 8.5

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi 10.2 Tokyo support added
- SessionChange system event supported
- TimeChange system event supported
- Preshutdown system event supported
- ChangeConfig event supported
- SvCom 8.4

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Handles leak fix. Many thanks to Eli Oliveira for bugreport and solution
- SvCom 8.3 for Delphi 10.1 Berlin

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi 10.1 Berlin support added, both x86 and x64
- SvCom 8.3

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- package initialization exception fixed
- SvCom 8.2

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi 10 Seattle support added, both x86 and x64
- SvCom 8.1 for Delphi XE2 updated

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- SvCom for Delphi XE2 updated to support latest XE2 updates
- SvCom 8.1 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi XE8 support added, both x86 and x64
- SvCom 8.0 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Service delayed autostart
- New service events: power events, net bind, etc
- New expert to support enhanced event log templates
- SvCom 7.14 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Package installation routine fixed
- For registered users: registration key behaves correctly
- build_all routine improved
- debug routines fixed (SvSendValue, Service.Params, etc)
- SvCom 7.13 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi XE7 support added, both x86 and x64
- SvCom 7.12 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi XE6 support added, both x86 and x64
- SvCom 7.11 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Problems with Windows 8.1 are fixed
- SvCom 7.10 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi XE5 support added, both x86 and x64
- NT Service wizard fixed
- GuiServer and GuiClient examples are available for free
- SvCom 7.9 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- SvCom 7.8 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi XE3 support
- GuiServer example fixed. The client was launced in the Session 0
on Windows7 x64
- SvCom 7.7 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- 64 bit support
- Logon sensor behaviour in the case of 32bit exe under x64 OS is fixed
- Service application registers correctly even the subst drive is used
- SvCom 7.6 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- An essential bug was found in SvCom 7.5 that caused service
failure on install/uninstall. It is fixed.
- SvCom 7.5 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi XE2 support (x86 only, 64bit version coming soon)
- Improved "build all" support: mk_view.ini and mk_setting.ini are auto-filled
- SvCom 7.4 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- DependsOnServices buffer size error fixed
- DependsOnGroups buffer size error fixed
- Example 2 has no 1061 stop error on Vista and newer Windows versions
- Examples are copied to the <DelphiVersion> directories to simplify tests and education
- SvCom 7.3 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- DebugNtService has full unicode support now
- Unicode related errors fixed
- SvCom 7.2 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- SvCom 7.2 for Delphi 2010 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- SvCom 7.1 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- SvCom 7.1 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- SvCom 7.0 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- TsvWtsSessions component - windows session manategemnt tool
- TsvLaunchFrontEnd component - tool that launches GUI application
for specified interactive user. It supports Terminal Service users,
Windows XP multiple logon sessions as well as regular Windows NT/2000
interactive users. The process is launched in security context
of given user, NOT in the SYSTEM security context
- Some more examples
- SvCom 6.9 for Delphi 2006

2006 version of SvCom is available for download.
- SvCom 6.8 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi 2005 - "New service project" bug is fixed (Issues
0000054, 0000052)
- ServiceIndicator example added to Examples section
- TrayIcon component added - just to avoid third-party tray icons
- LogonSensor hangs up trying to terminate its internal thread -
- Remote installation and control capability is added
- Not Creating DCOM Server in Delphi 2005 (Issue 0000053) - fixed
- Service module receives system broadcast messages now (like WM_DEVICECHANGE)
- SvCom 6.7 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Delphi 2005 IDE - AV on exit - fixed
- Upgrading to Site License - the Register button is always visible
- Win 2003 SP1 + DEP problem fixed
- SvCom 6.6 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- SvCom for Delphi 2005 is available
- Service application stop problem is fixed
- Minor memory leaks are fixed
- SvCom 6.5 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- SvCom for Delphi 2005 (beta version) is available
- Configurable service example is redesigned and included in setup
- SvCom 6.4 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- WinXP SP2 with activated DEP problem is fixed
- Exception with Message '' with SvCom 6.3 - fixed
- Tray icon remains after service stops in debug mode - fixed
- Memory leak - fixed
- Announce: Delphi 9 version is expected within a week or so.
- SvCom 6.3 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Setup for Windows 2003 Server is fixed
- Com object in service with event support example added
- Autostart of service in debug mode is fixed
- StartedByScm switch is optional now
- SvCom 6.2 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- SvCom help is now included into setup
- Caption of the DebugService tool reflects the name of application
- Make does not break more
- mk_copy.vbs missed from the setup - fixed
- Compilation settings are moved to SvCom.inc
- SvCom 6.1 released

New features and bugfixes of this version include:
- Component factory constructor have two more parameters now:
SocketEnabled and WebEnabled. Both have default value True.
It resolves problem with SocketServer access to the objects
- dclSvComReg.pas location fixed
- Application.OnIdle now is called in debug mode too
- Fixed: .res files were missed by setup
- Fixed: SvCom packages for BCB have version information now
- SvComEx deployment is not mandatory now
- scsHandles is installed into directory with other runtime units
- Handling file permissions example is added
- Service debugging API example is added
Known issues:
- ACL creation troubles for BCB
- DCOM features cause AV in BCB so these features are still disabled
- Help file is not ready yet
- SvCom 6.0 released

New features of this version include:
- Enhanced command line support for SvCom-based applications.
- Debug utility is redesigned
- New debug API
- SvCom can be rebuilt from scratch with one command-line command,
just run build_all.bat
- It is possible to avoid usage of SvComSvc.dll on 9x/ME
- Dual mode applications: SvCom applications can work as a regular
GUI app if started by user directly, not from Services applet or net
start ... command.
Known issues:
- New help file is not available. It is under full reconstruction
- SvCom 5.01 released

This version has two minor improvements/bugfixes only:
- Run-time packages are supported correctly now by TsvSurviver component.
- SvCom_NTService unit: the unnecessary error check removed. This
check was used for debugging and caused the Win32 error message with
code 120 on service installation under Windows NT 4.
- SvCom 5.0 released

New features of this version include:
- Delphi 6 Support
- MIDAS server in service support
- Windows 2000 service recovery actions support
- Windows 2000 SID's support
- Enhanced service names
- TsvSurviver prevents the "Interactive Service Instability"
New types of COM classfactories:
- Apartment Threading Factory
- Singltone Factory
New components:
- TsvProcessRightsCenter - an easy tool to control the privileges
of the current process.
- TsvPrivilegesListBox - a checklist that allows to edit privileges
Bug fixes:
- Missed psapi.dll cause an understandable error message now
- Error 216 on Delphi close fixed
- Problem with service parameters parsing in the debug mode - fixed
- SvCom 4.0 released

This version has the following features:
- A lot of new components, including:
TsvTimer - specialized timer that works in service;
TsvSurviver - form protector for interactive services
TsvLogonSensor - detects when interactive user logs on or off set
of visual components to deal with security
- Delphi 5 version is supported. Known problems of SvCom 3.0 beta
- The DebugService library interfaced updated
Bug fixes:
- Service failure at startup does not confuse OS now.
- Two bugs were found in SvCom emulation of Service API. Fixed.
Many thanks to Tomasz Kosinski <tomasz.kosinski@tatuk.com.pl>.
- The source of possible memory leaks suppressed.
- The service stopping before service uninstallation is more accurate
- The DebugLibrary first page is now shown correctly for multi-service
- SvCom 3.0b released

SvCom 3.0 beta for Delphi 5 released
- Tutorial update

One more example added to the SvCom Tutorial
- SvCom 3.0 released

In brief this version has two main features:
- It is compatible with Windows 95 and Windows 98
- Sources of SvCom experts are added to the file set that is send
to registered users
In more details:
Windows 95/98 compatibility. Now you can write applications that will
work as services on Windows NT and will work as ordinary exe on the
Win95/98 machines. In the last case SvCom applications behave
like NT services:
- they are invisible for user. Of course they can show a window for
a user but by default they are invisible
- they survive logoff
- they can be started, stopped, paused or continued and all this
actions could be performed from the command line or via API
- several independent services can work in the same process
- they can be configured to start automatically when system starts.
No matter whether user is logged in or not
Now you can use the same version of your SvCom-based application on
Windows NT and on Windows 95/98. And finally now you can develop NT
services under 95/98 and they will work both on NT and 95/98 systems
Two modules are added to SvCom to make it compatible with Windows
I mean SvComSvc.dll and SvComSc.exe. The first one is a library
that emulates Windows NT Service API under 95/98. Interface to this
library is described in SvCom_WinSvc unit. This library is
installed and used on 95/98 systems only. The SvComSc is a small
service controller that allows to start, stop, pause or continue
service from the command line.
Please note that Windows NT security features are not implemented
on Windows 9x systems. This features are not available and can not be
emulated. As a result SvCom security-related components will not work
on Windows 9x systems.
SvCom experts:
- Sources of SvCom experts were not distributed before due to some
serious problems. The thing is that SvCom experts were based on set
of components that could not be distributed without serious compatibility
problems. I had to do serious changes in the expert's code to distribute
it. I've finished this work so now all registered users will receive
sources of SvCom experts. Only few lines of code are eliminated from
this sources. I mean the code that checks SvCom registration. So starting
from this version registered users of SvCom receive the full sources
of my product.
- Application path to UNC path conversion code is updated. In previous
versions this code used exception to indicate that UNC path does not
exist. This exception was catched internally and was invisible for
users. Unfortunately this exception was visible for Delphi debugger
and many users ask me about it. This internally used exception created
an impression about bugs in SvCom. I've changed this code to clear
up this impression. It was not a bug and I would not like to look
it like a bug.
- The ShareProcess flag is ignored now if only one service
exists in application. If prevents the possible situation
in which Windows thinks that there are several services
in application and disables service profile changes.
- Tutorial update

SvCom tutorial enhanced.
Three new examples are added to the tutorial page and one more is available
via e-mail. This examples shows how to use SvCom security features.
- SvCom 2.0 released

This version essentially enhances functionality of SvCom library. Now
SvCom includes several powerful components to manipulate Windows NT
security. Now it includes:
- SidCenter - everything to play with SID's
- ACLCenter - powerful and easy to use ACL editor in one component
- SecurityDescriptorCenter - simple Security Descriptor manager
- LsaStringCenter - quick and easy support for LsaUnicodeString structure
- SecretCenter - simple component for reading/writing NT secret values
- AccountRigthsCenter - ready to use user's policy editor - works
even in design time
- SvCom 1.2 released

New features and improvements:
- "/USER:xxx" and "/PASSWORD:xxx" keys are supported
now. It simplifies the service installation
- Service installation procedures are modified to allow the debug
mode for DCOM servers
- "/AUTOSTART" switch is introduced. It allows to automatically
start services when the SvCom application starts with debug switch
- Service parameters are supported now in debug mode. History list
is available for this parameters
- New utility added. It has name Service Indicator. It sits in tray
and shows the status of selected service. It allows to control the
selected service by simple mouse click.
- Help file recompiled with English (USA) language ID to fix the
"Unsupported language" error
- The registration congratulations message shows correctly now
- Tutorial is released

SvCom tutorial published. It includes detailed step-by-step instruction
- Simple Beep service example
- Advanced service with start, stop, pause, continue
and execute processing. The service debuging illustrated
- Interactive service example
- DCOM server in service example
- Link to the DCOM tutorial by Frazer Smith. This tutorial shows
how to write an advanced DCOM server in service
- SvCom 1.1 released

SvCom 1.1 released
- Registration service instantiated and tested
- Help file added
- SvCom 1.0 released

SvCom 1.0 released
- SvCom becomes nag-ware (full functional shareware
with nag screen and without sources)
- SvCom b2 is published

SvCom beta-2 is published
- Added experts that automatically create new SvCom modules and modify
- SvCom b1 is published

First SvCom beta is published