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    Step 5. Debug the service application  

SvCom 6.0 has introduced a new set of methods to simplify debugging of service applications. The debug utility was redesigned too. Now it looks as shown below:

Debug window, click to enlarge
Debug window, small image, click to enlarge

The top part of the debugger window contains the list of all application services. Buttons Start, Stop, Pause, Continue and Shutdown can be used to control selected service. The interrogate button requests the service status. The detailed information about all service events is displayed in the bottom part of the window.

As it was mentioned before you should use the /debug key to start service in debug mode. Try to do it now and use Start and Stop buttons to control the service. As you can see all changes of service state are displayed in the events part of debugger's window. In addition to this messages you can generate your own additional messages. For example you can report a values of some variable. To do it you will need to use SvCom Debug API. It includes the following methods:

Note that you do not need to remove any of these calls from your final code, these methods do nothing if no /debug switch is detected. Let's consider these methods in more detail.


Use this message to send simple text message to the debugger. The message will be shown in the list. The last parameter of this method is the service's StatusHandle. You can skip it if you wish but if you specify it the debug window will find corresponding service and its name will be displayed in the Service column. Look on example below:




procedure TSampleService2.SampleService2Execute(Sender: TObject);
    while True do
        if Terminated then break;
        SvSendMessage(dekWarning,'Service is running',StatusHandle);


Use this method to send name and value of variable to be monitored. Variable's value will be sent as Variant type so any value that can be converted to Variant can be passed to the function. An example:




procedure TSampleService2.SampleService2Pause(Sender: TNtService; 
    var DoAction: Boolean);
var i: Integer;
    for i:=1 to 10 do
begin Sleep(1000); ReportStatus; SvSendValue(dekInfo,'i',i); end; end;

SvSendMethodEnter & SvSendMethodLeave

Use these methods to mark nested method calls by additional indent in the message log window:

The following code produces these effects:



procedure TSampleService2.SampleService2Continue(
  Sender: TNtService; var DoAction: Boolean);
var i: Integer;
    for i:=1 to 10 do
begin Sleep(1000); ReportStatus; end; SvSendMethodLeave('Continue'); end;


Call of this methods clears all log messages. It is useful if you need a short part of message log only and would like to clear all previous garbage.

SvSendCheckpoint & SvSendClearToCheckpoint

Use this method to simplify debugging of deep or multiple nested methods. For example you have a loop that does a lot of computations but error occurs on 1000000th loop only. Sure you do not want to watch all these 999999 success messages, you need the only one, that cause a problem. To make it possible do something like that:

    for ... do
begin SvSendCheckpoint('Possible error code follows'); //Code with potential errors here //Use SvSendMessage, SvSendValue and othe tracing routines //to log important events and values ... //If there were no exceptions in the code above //then likely log messages written by the code are not interesting //so it is a good idea to clear it up to checkpoint SvSendClearToCheckpoint; end; ...

Proceed with the next step to learn how to use service application as a regular one.

<< . index . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . >>
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